Felling - To cut down the tree at ground level.
Dismantle/Section fell - To safely take the tree down in smaller pieces, using specialised rigging equipment, cranes or cherry pickers if necessary.
Crown reduction - To reduce the size and/or spread of the tree canopy by removing or shortening selected limbs to suitable growth points.
Crown thin - To remove carefully selected limbs within the canopy to help reduce wind loading and allow more light to filter through.
Crown raise - To remove the lowest branches on the tree allowing space for passing vehicles/more light under the tree etc.
Deadwood/Crown clean - To remove large and dangerous pieces of deadwood and the removal of infected/rubbing branches etc.
Pollarding - The removal of all branches' non essential to the trees structure, intended to be performed as part of a maintenance regime. This can maintain a tree's desired height and form especially in space restricted areas.
Hedge trimming.
Hedge removal.
Site clearance.
TPO/Conservation area applications.
Emergency Callout.